Sunday, May 1, 2011

Movie of the Month: Robocop

Robocop (1987)
Director: Paul Verhoeven
Starring: Peter Weller
In a dark, violent, crime ridden future of detroit, a corporation owns the police department, and are trying to use their resources to create a new law enforcement tool to help protect the city. After one of their projects glitches out, they use the death of officer Alex Murphy to their benefit. Murphy is transformed into the Robocop, a crime fighting cyborg. Robocop is successful in fighting the crime in detroit, but his memories as Murphy start coming back, making him more vulnerable.

I remeber watching these movies when I was a kid and thought they were awesome. What kid didn't love Robocop back in the day? He was badass. Now watching it as an adult, I am realizing this movie was so far beyond badass. I must have watched it on tv, with the violence cut out or something, because I sure as hell don't remember all of the blood and gore. Plain and simple, I was shocked that movie has so much violence in it. It's almost like a troma movie(it needs a lot more gore for that though.) Anyway, Robocop is an awesome action/sci-fi movie that is not really for kids when you break it down.

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